Reflections of Sunflower

March 31, 2008

More Bad Luck

Filed under: Daily Reflections — by sunflowersreflections @ 9:12 am

I was really hoping that the streak of bad luck would have ended in February.  Unfortunately that is not so.  Last week was horrible.  Hubby got into a FOUR car pile up on the interstate (He is fine, no one was injured).   The Turd Mobile now has banged up front and back ends.  Hubby was stopped on the interstate with a car behind him.  Another car came along (aka, Accident Causing Jerk) and smashed into the car behing Hubby, which smashed into the Turd Mobile and pushed it into the car in front of it.  Accident Causing Jerk was driving on a suspended license and did NOT have insurance.  Therefore, we are currently in a brawl between our insurance agency and the agency of the guy behind the Turd Mobile to determine who has to cover the repairs.  Fun.  NOT. AT. ALL. 

All of the insurance fighting started when I was the sickest I had been in a LONG time.  I am not sure if it was the flu from the week before rearing it’s ugly head again or if it was food poisioning.  It was so horrible, I am leaning towards food poisioning.  Horrbile.  I am still not feeling great.  There is very little food that even sounds appetizing, let alone eatable. 

Also, it is still cold here.  Cold and rainy and grey and foggy.  BLAH.

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