Reflections of Sunflower

April 10, 2008

All Down Hill

Filed under: Daily Reflections — by sunflowersreflections @ 3:28 pm

I haven’t been writing because things have not been going well.  I did not want another post that was all bitching all the time, but here I am. 

Highlights of this week:

–  Total meltdown (related to that place I go every day, I shall say no more)

–  Day without water, due to our water main breaking.  This caused me to have to drive to my in-laws at 10:45 pm so I could get ready for work the next morning.

–  Broken banister on our stairs.

–  Downpours on a 40 degree day that caused me to sit at my desk all day wet up to my mid-shins.  Fairly certain there was standing water in my shoes at one point.

–  No news on certain info we are waiting on – major cause of stress and freaking out.


–  The Turd Mobile is dead.  That accident Hubby was in, remember?  I just found out that the insurance agency is totalling it.  Not sure what happens next. 

So, there has been at least one crappy thing per day so far this week.  Good thing, the week is almost over.  Cross your fingers next week is better.

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